This is Logan on his 1st day back to school. He thought I was such a dork for wanting to take his "1st day of school picture", I know he's in college but oh well he looked good and had on new school clothes from his birthday so I wanted to take his picture. He has the look on his face of, Are you really taking my picture right now? So, even though he can think I'm the dork for taking his picture- he has his schedule in his hand and I told him that only Freshman are aloud to walk around campus with their schedules in hand.
I just recently got a new job. I had written previously about my fun job with my own office and computer and all that exciting stuff. Well, it ended up not turning out as grand as I had hoped. However, I am so lucky because the job that I've been wanting since graduating college was offered to me last week. So, I was able to quit my job at Total Health and Fitness and now I work for a Corporate Wellness company called WellSteps. It is a great company, I get to work with awesome people and the best part about it is- I get to work from home. I have a good feeling that this job is going to work out great for Logan and I at this time and I am excited that I get to work in Corporate Wellness.
Sorry if this is boring and I'm just talking about myself, but work has been the most recent thing occupying my time. A little lame I know.
Logan and I really are fun people. Life gets busy though and I need to stop and remember what is most important. My husband and family. I love getting to spend time with Logan even if we just go get five dollar pizza from little caesars (it's Logans favorite) and watch a movie together. I don't want to turn into a boring married couple so I've been trying to think of fun things that Logan and I can do for date nights. If you have any ideas, I'm definitely up for suggestions.
Its always fun to read your posts! We seriously need to get together and do a fun double date! Keep up the schooling Logan and congrats on the new fun job Nat! :)
its okay, Nat, he used to make me sick with how smart he is, but then you just get used to it... and it ends up being pretty cool :) well give that brother of mine a hug for me and congrats on the new job, I must admit that I have a rather smart sister-in-law too who can keep up with the best of them:)
Way to go Natalie. I have pictures from k-12. Thanks for keeping up the tradition. WE love you guys. and MIss you and can't wait til T'key day. Study on my son and Natalie, don't work too hard. Seriously. Take time for you. :)
Hey Nat thanks for the post! You are an amazing woman now matter how boring you get. I recently heard an idea that I think is great, hopefully Dave will try it with me. It's not necessarily a date night, but a weekly thing. You have fifty blue cards and 50 pink cards and on them you write 50 things you would love for Logan to do for you and he from you. Then each week you draw one card and you have to do that thing for them sometime during the week, it can be anything from a back massage or make the bed to make a dinner to take me out... I thought that it sounded like a terrific idea. Good luck.
First day of school pics are the best! I still take them of Kirk too he thinks I am crazy but they are so much fun to look at! :)
Um... you could ti-dye shirts, buy a volleyball and a rope (instead of a net... it's cheaper) and invite random people at a park to play volleyball with you... those aren't very good ideas, but they're the only ones I could come up with fast. Love the first day of school pics, haha. You're awesome.
Hi Natalie-
I think you should always take 1st day of school pics! We will be at Grandma's for Conf dinner-so I'll see you this weekend!
Hey Nat, I wish I had some good advice for you but Jason and I are an old, boring married couple. After 5 years and three kids later, Dinner and a movie is a great night. Ha ha. It's almost Turkey Trot time, I'm expecting to see you :) Lookin good.
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