Saturday, November 1, 2008


We finally got to go to a BYU Football game. We were so excited. Jess and her roommate gave us their tickets and so last Saturday we went to the game. I really like going to the games. I figure since we live so close to campus, Logan is a student and I use to be a student we need to have more school spirit. It's really sad because I don't even know the fight song. Oh well. I still love BYU. 


Brooke and Brett Martin said...

Hey cute girl!! SEriously it doesn't get better being out there in that cold weather all snuggled up watching a good ol' BYU game- you lucky duck you!!

MaRilla said...

Love you guys! Looks like you are having fun!

Margaret said...

Yeah. What a great looking couple... (Not biased at all) Football was my favorite to watch. Glad you guys got to go to a game. The boys from St George are burning some tread getting up there on weekends to watch football. Thanks for posting. I LOVE IT. see you in a couple of weeks. woo hoo. it will be fun..

Jamie said...

I miss going to the football games! You guys look great!